C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Text File
390 lines
* g r a p h i c s . h
* -------------------
* High-level header file. Contains all hardware-independant high-level
* defintions for the compatible graphics library. Does includes the
* generic low-level header-file "graf.h", if not forbidden (NOLLHINC set).
* update history
* --------------
* May, 28. 1987 Definitions for text-package added
* Jun, 17. 1987 Section "Configurable parameters" added in this file.
* This section allows it the user to configure some minor
* features of the library. First entry in this section is
* the preprocessor symbol COUTNRY. Allows text generation
* for different countrys.
* Jun, 20. 1987 Internal library implemtation mode added. This mode is
* enabled by #defineing LIB_MODE to 1 and is restriced
* to the graphics library only. User programs activating
* this mode may get totally confused!
* Aug, 30. 1987 Trigonemetric tables added.
* Configuration tags USEENUM and LOADTRIG introduced.
* Support for the write mode system added.
* Written by Rainer Gerhards
* Petronellastr. 6
* D-5112 Baesweiler
* West Germany
* Phone (49) 2401 - 1601
* Configurable parameters
* -----------------------
* The following parameters may be used to make minor configuration changes
* to the graphics library. They may be modified by the user and do not impact
* performance nor compatibility of the library. After modifications in this
* part, the whole library (including low-level drivers) must be recompiled!
* Note: The user should take extreme care when modifying this parameters,
* even if this are only minor configuration parameters.
* Modifications may result in parameter conflicts, which can't be
* reported by all compilers.
* The following defines are used to activate some language features,
* which are currently not common to all compilers.
#define USEPROTT 1 /* function prototyping allowed */
#define USEVOID 1 /* type void allowed? */
#define USEENUM 1 /* type enum allowed? */
* The following defines determine the optimization status of the library.
* If tag OPTTIME is #defined to 1, the execution time is optimized (resulting
* in larger memory allocation). If tag OPTSPACE is #defined to 1, the memory
* allocation is optimized (resulting in slower execution). If neither tag is
* #defined (or #defined to 0), the library uses a good compromise. Both tags
* can't be true at the same time.
* Note that this is only a minor request to the library coding. You should
* not expect to much from modifying these tags. However, in an (IBM-) PC
* environment I think it is the best guess to define OPTTIME.
#define OPTTIME 1
#define OPTSPACE 0
* Select what to used: macros or function calls for the conversion and
* other frequently used functions. Macro usage can't be selected if
* OPTSPACE == true!
#define USEMACS 1
* The following tag controls the loading of the trigonemetric lookup tables.
* If it's defined to 0, they aren't loaded, otherwise they are loaded.
* Loading this tables is of use when working with function fellipsis, the
* turtle graphics system and the vector driven graphics functions (currently
* not implemented).
#define LOADTRIG 1
* The following define is used for country specific tasks, espicially
* for message processing. The country number is as defined in your DOS
* manual (international telephone country code).
* Currently supported countries are:
* Country Code
* United States of America 1
* Switzerland 41
* Great Britain 44
* Federal Republic of Germany 49
#define COUNTRY 1
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | E N D O F C O N F I G U R A B L E P A R A M E T E R S |
* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* Please do not make any changes below this point!
#ifndef __TURBOC__
#define defined(x) x
#ifndef LIB_MODE
#define LIB_MODE 0
* Cross check the configurable parameters.
* If there are errors detected, and the compiler supports no text-output
* function, an syntax error is generated.
#ifndef COUNTRY
"COUNTRY parameter must be defined!"
#if (COUNTRY != 1) && (COUNTRY != 41) && (COUNTRY != 44) && (COUNTRY != 49)
"Unsupported country specified!"
#endif /* end of country check */
* cross-check optimization information
"Error: Can't specifiy both OPTTIME and OPTSPACE!"
"Can't specifiy both OPTSPACE and USEMACS!"
* Convert some newer types to old types, if requested.
#define TRUE -1
#define FALSE 0
typedef int void;
* Turbo C V. 1.0 has an error in the constant folding algorithm.
* So do not use constant expressions, if this C compiler is active.
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#define PI_D_180 0.017453293
#define PI_D_180 PI / 180.0
* The following macro is used to declare data items as external usable
* (in library mode) or external defined (in user mode).
#if LIB_MODE == 2 /* master module? */
#define EXTERN
#define INITVAL(x) = (x)
#define EXTERN extern
#define INITVAL(x)
#if defined(DLC) || defined(__TURBOC__)
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define iabs(x) abs(x)
* support for the trigonometric functions
* ---------------------------------------
* These functions are generally very slow, and so the graphics
* library uses a table of precomputed values, if not forbidden
* The trigonometric functions sin() and cos() are redifined by
* intsin() and intcos(). This new functions perform the requested
* action acording to the configuration switches. Their argument
* is always in degrees.
#define intsin(x) sintab[x]
#define intcos(x) costab[x]
#if LIB_MODE == 2
#include "trigtab.h" /* load precomputed values */
extern float sintab[361];
extern float costab[361];
#define intsin(x) sin(torad(x))
#define intcos(x) cos(torad(x))
* The following section contains macros to do some conversions, that are
* often needed in a graphics environment. This macros are also available
* as function calls and are only included if USEMACS is true. Your
* program should always think it uses the macro and thus should be free
* of side-effects!
/* arc conversion */
#define todeg(x) ((x)/(PI_D_180)) /* radiant -> degree */
#define torad(x) ((x)*(PI_D_180)) /* degree -> radiant */
/* coordinate conversion */
* Note: when converting polar to cartesian coordinates, you have to
* correct the x radius, because the current resuloution doesn't correspond
* to the physical screen dimensions. If you wouldn't convert, you wouldn't
* get a real circle.
* The conversion can't be done by the macros below, because they don't
* know the current screen resolution (you may use your onw world
* coordinates). To aid you in the conversion task, an additional macro
* is supplied to correct the x radius. You have to supply the maximum
* x and y resolution and the radius to this macro. It then computes the
* actual x radius to use.
#define tocarxc(rad, arc) ((rad)*cos((double)(arc))) /*polar->cartesian x*/
#define tocaryc(rad, arc) ((rad)*sin((double)(arc))) /*polar->cartesian y*/
#define itocarxc(rad, arc) ((rad)*intcos((int)(arc))) /*polar->cartesian x*/
#define itocaryc(rad, arc) ((rad)*intsin((int)(arc))) /*polar->ca